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Can working in the metaverse enhance creativity and productivity?

In 2023, experts say businesses will create areas where work processes could be tested in the metaverse.

Can working in the metaverse enhance creativity and productivity?
[Source photo: Anvita Gupta/Fast Company Middle East]

Although much of the metaverse is still to be built, we know the technology is here to stay. From Nike to Gucci, brands use the virtual universe to engage with their customers. 

In the work context, the metaverse gives glimpses of how working might evolve. For instance, BMW uses digital twins to collaborate in real-time with its international teams in a single virtual area.

But how productive, creative, and collaborative metaverse workplaces are. 

“In 2023, we will be witnessing numerous companies making room for test-and-trial of their work methods, such as ideas sharing, team meeting, in the metaverse, and assess what works best for employees’ advancement and productivity,” says Hind Sergieh, founder and chief metaverse officer at ARkub.


Experts say the metaverse can alter workspaces and increase employee creativity and productivity by offering immersive and enhanced team communication, rapid skill acquisition, and AI-powered insights.

The metaverse could facilitate employee collaboration and teamwork in novel and creative ways. 

“Employees in a metaverse could work on projects in real-time regardless of their physical location. Teams could brainstorm, communicate and share ideas more easily and effectively, which would increase productivity and creativity,” says Sanjar Mohamed, chief metaverse officer at Eikonikos.

Additionally, Mohamed says that metaverse will enable employees to perform tasks with flexibility, customization, and personalization. “In the metaverse, employees can work in an immersive environment designed to optimize focus and concentration. In augmented metaverses, real-time information is layered over the physical world, allowing employees to make better decisions.”


In the metaverse, says Shyair Ganglani, Co-Founder & Chief Metaverse Officer at Metacom, it is easier to demonstrate innovative business strategies and exchange ideas. However, he adds, “The only way to know if a strategy will work is to test it. Find a way to test it fast and cheap.” 

Humans are sensory-based creatures; the more our senses are stimulated, the more creative or productive we can be. For this reason, he adds that when we need to generate creative thoughts, we typically choose to be in a more vibrant space.

Unfortunately, Ganglani says, “trying to bring a large group of employees together in a physical space that sparks creativity is not always possible. So we tend to either sacrifice having everyone present or the space in which we conduct the meeting. The metaverse allows us to bring everyone, regardless of where they are, together in a simulated environment that fosters their creativity and collaboration.”

“Companies like Boeing are already revolutionizing their design and creativity processes through metaverse, allowing for scalable, real-time, collaboration between experts around the world that’s fueling innovation while simultaneously saving them billions in R&D.”

Another element that has the potential to change the workplace, according to experts, is the enterprise metaverse in the manufacturing, oil, supply chain, and construction industries. Enterprise metaverse is created when digital twin and metaverse are merged. 

“The enterprise metaverse can significantly impact how business decisions are made and operations are conducted,” says Mohammed. 


Collaboration, according to experts, might also be enhanced in the metaverse, as there are no geographical limitations. “We could also help with the implementation of virtual corporate retreats. There is also a chance for impromptu interactions, which promotes innovation. It’s also home to a more inclusive environment by providing a more social platform and facilitating engaging and energized interactions,” says Sergieh. 

For example, he adds that many introverts feel more comfortable communicating through their avatars than speaking up in a meeting, especially when communicating a minority opinion. 

“2023 will explore the world of possibilities for employees and employers, but it will take time before it becomes an actual working tool.”

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