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Saudi Arabia unveils new agricultural investment opportunities in Makkah region

Four investment opportunities have been announced to develop integrated agricultural cities and a wild seedling facility.

Saudi Arabia unveils new agricultural investment opportunities in Makkah region
[Source photo: Chetan Jha/Fast Company Middle East]

The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture (MEWA) has announced four new investment opportunities to develop integrated agricultural cities and a specialized wild seedling facility in the Makkah region. This initiative aligns with MEWA’s broader strategy to enhance food security, promote sustainable agricultural practices, and drive sector growth.

The ultimate goal of this initiative is to promote economic diversification, achieve self-sufficiency in agricultural products, and ensure responsible resource management for future generations.

The ministry outlined several opportunities, including creating innovative agricultural cities for vegetable and crop production. Two of these cities will be in the Al-Kamil agricultural zone, close to the Wadi Al-Sabaan and Wadi Al-Shawan Dams. The first plot covers approximately 144,507 square meters, while the second spans around 287,082 square meters.

The second opportunity involves developing an agricultural city dedicated to cultivating fruit trees in the Haly 3 agricultural region. This city will cover an extensive area of approximately 1,118,131.08 square meters.

Investors are also invited to establish a nursery and laboratory within the Saiysad National Park, covering an area of approximately 51,629 square meters. This facility will focus on cultivating Taif roses and propagating wild seedlings. Interested parties can find detailed investment information and application procedures on the “Furas” platform or by contacting MEWA directly via email. The deadline for submitting proposals and bids is October 1st.

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