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GCC highlights circular carbon economy in climate strategy

The statement emphasized the unequal impact of climate change on developing nations and urged fair action to protect vulnerable populations.

GCC highlights circular carbon economy in climate strategy
[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/Fast Company Middle East]

The GCC has highlighted its dedication to collaborating with international partners on climate change, aligning with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement. The region emphasized that establishing mechanisms outside these agreements will not advance climate finance efforts.

Dr. Hind Abdulrahman Al Muftah, Qatar’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, emphasized the importance of collective action to shield the most vulnerable populations from climate change impacts during the 57th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

The GCC emphasized the urgent need to address climate change, highlighting its substantial impact on individuals’ lives and rights. The statement stressed the disproportionate effects on developing nations and called for equitable measures to safeguard the most vulnerable populations.

The GCC emphasized its dedication to combating climate change through national and collective efforts, highlighting the need to address these challenges in line with international frameworks.

The GCC emphasized its proactive role in international and regional climate initiatives, including the Climate Conference, and detailed its measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It highlighted the adoption of a circular carbon economy approach, focusing on reducing, reusing, recycling, and removing emissions.

The statement emphasized the GCC’s focus on a balanced climate transition, prioritizing energy security, economic prosperity, and substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

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