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Egypt has allocated 300 billion in infrastructure development over 10 years

Egypt’s Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade seeks to further enhance infrastructure development efforts to reach 6 to 7% economic growth.

Egypt has allocated 300 billion in infrastructure development over 10 years
[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/Fast Company Middle East]

According to Hassan El Khatib, Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade, Egypt’s government has invested $300 billion in infrastructure development over the past ten years. He emphasized the importance of enhancing infrastructure efforts to achieve a 6% to 7% economic growth target.

El Khatib also highlighted the need for collaboration between the public and private sectors to attain sustainable development. He stressed the importance of improving the investment climate through increased transparency and clearer economic policies.

El Khatib noted that these efforts could help attract additional investments, particularly in the renewable energy sector.

The Ministry of Investment reported that the meeting addressed emerging markets’ challenges and opportunities, especially global financial issues and their impacts.

Additionally, the session explored investment prospects in Egypt and other emerging markets, outlining potential foreign direct investment opportunities across promising sectors. Sustainable finance and renewable energy were also key topics, highlighting the essential components for Egypt’s sustainable economic development.

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