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This is why volunteering supports the community and your overall well-being

With accessible volunteering opportunities and vigilant government oversight, giving back through volunteerism is highly honored in the UAE.

This is why volunteering supports the community and your overall well-being
[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/Fast Company Middle East]

From the 30,000 dedicated volunteers who contributed to the success of Dubai Expo 2020 to the 200 individuals who collaborated with local authorities to clean up the streets after the recent storm in April, volunteerism resonates deeply within the UAE communities.

In a post, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, wrote: “The place where we live can always be done with charity work. We can clean the beaches or the deserts. We can take care of the trees. We can be kind to our fellow citizens. The role of volunteers is vital. We can volunteer for an hour, a day, or a week and can contribute by using our skills or knowledge. We can volunteer by contributing our energy or money, but we must make a difference in the community.”

The spirit of giving back is deeply embedded in Emirati society, as evidenced by the honoring and celebration of volunteerism. Volunteering in the UAE can qualify you for a Golden Visa. This residency visa allows you to stay in the nation for ten years if you meet specific eligibility requirements. 

The UAE National Volunteering Platform, one of the government’s dynamic and user-friendly resources, allows residents to search for volunteer opportunities throughout the seven emirates. Additionally. organizations like Dubai Cares and Emirates Environmental Group actively seek volunteers for various roles and events.


Nadia Boumeziout has been volunteering with Dubai Cares for over five years and has been a Dubai Sustainable Finance Working Group member for about three years. “Each experience has been incredibly fulfilling. Volunteering is significant as it allows me to contribute positively to society and make a difference.” 

“Volunteer culture in the UAE has evolved significantly over time,” says Boumeziout. According to her, an increasing number of people want to volunteer for various causes. The community’s readiness to help and raise one another has expanded, indicating a positive shift in the collective psyche. 

Further emphasizing the importance of volunteering for an individual’s well-being, Boumeziout, who has also led an award-winning volunteering program at Emirates NBD Group, affirms its advantages. “Volunteering has numerous benefits for personal well-being that have been well researched and documented. It fosters a sense of purpose, improves mental health, and encourages growth and fulfillment.” 

Volunteerism has become part of the corporate culture in the UAE. It is an effective approach for businesses to show their dedication to social responsibility while encouraging employee involvement and teamwork. Employees can participate in various activities through corporate volunteering initiatives, including skill-based volunteering, environmental cleanups, and mentorship programs. Corporate volunteering improves staff morale, job satisfaction, and the company’s reputation, in addition to helping the community and those in need. 

According to reports, companies with robust volunteer programs tend to also have lower turnover rates. Volunteer programs can be especially effective for instilling a sense of social purpose among frontline employees.

“To truly blend philanthropy with the corporate workforce, companies must cultivate a culture where giving back feels like a natural extension of who we are. This means creating opportunities for employees to engage in causes they’re passionate about, whether through organized initiatives or personal endeavors. It’s about creating that sense of purpose beyond the day-to-day tasks and connecting our work to something greater,” says Sama Al-Khudairy, Regional Corporate Sustainability Lead at PwC.  

“By encouraging empathy, collaboration, and a shared commitment to social/ environmental good, we can weave philanthropy into the fabric of our corporate identity. This will enrich the workplace culture and our communities and environments,” adds Al-Khudairy.  


Working towards creating a positive, sustainable impact, Al-Khudairy speaks highly of the UAE’s volunteering culture: “In the UAE, the corporate culture of volunteering is evolving. We are fortunate to have various charitable organizations and non-profits eager to collaborate.”

Additionally, she says people here want to make a difference; they just need the opportunity. “So we’ve created avenues for them to get involved—through pro bono work, social volunteering activities, or upskilling workshops for beneficiaries. It’s about making a real impact and fostering that sense of purpose beyond the bottom line. Together, these elements are what cultivate a culture of volunteering.” 

Brynn J. Morrison, a philanthropist and a humanitarian, emphasizes the significance of volunteering in building and supporting the community’s social fabric through a person’s investment of time and energy, which ultimately benefits us all. “When we support expanding the choices and chances of those who are less fortunate, we enrich the diversity and richness of everyone’s human experience as we’re exposed to people and possibilities we might not have been otherwise.”

Volunteering is also good for you. A 2020 Harvard University study found that older adults who volunteer 100 or more hours per year reduce their chance of early death and have better optimism and purpose than those who did not volunteer as much or at all. A 2020 UK study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies found that the volunteers studied became happier over time. Another study even found that volunteers are, on average, as healthy as people five years younger than they are.

And those are just a few pieces of the growing body of research about the positive benefits of giving back. 

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Madiha Ajaz is a passionate writer and has been writing on an array of topics for over 5 years. A graduate of Environmental Sciences from York University, she likes to write on topics such as climate change and global warming, but she isn’t shy to pen down on anything else that should be shared with the world. More