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Abu Dhabi launches noise levels mapping initiative to improve quality of life

A committee of more than 10 government entities will help locate problem areas and introduce ways to mitigate the issue

Abu Dhabi launches noise levels mapping initiative to improve quality of life
[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/Fast Company Middle East]

Abu Dhabi’s Environment Agency (EAD) plans to trace noise levels across the emirate to identify “culprit noise sources” and take note of the residential districts affected the most.

Using data and information from various locations, Faisal Al Hammadi, executive director of the Environmental Quality Sector at EAD, said that the EAD will highlight the sources of noise pollution and the residential areas that are the worst affected.

“Then we can arm ourselves with information that, in the long run, will allow us to develop temporary and permanent mitigation measures in collaboration with our stakeholders,” he added.

It is hoped that noise mapping will help authorities create mitigation schemes such as sound barriers and green spaces, as noise pollution can harm health, including stress, sleep disturbances, and cardiovascular problems.

A noise committee of more than 10 government entities has been established to tackle this problem. 

“By identifying areas with high noise levels, health authorities can assess potential health risks and take necessary measures,” said Hammadi.

“Additionally, city planners can use noise modeling to make informed decisions about land use and zoning regulations,” he added. “Sensitive areas like residential zones or schools can be protected from high noise sources, such as industrial or commercial activities.”

Al Hammadi explained that EAD began monitoring ambient noise in the emirate in 2007 via their air quality monitoring network, with the current initiative continuing this commitment. “Through it, we aim to build a comprehensive and precise representation of noise pollution across the emirate by developing a map that will help guide our decision-making for the future.” 

This will help city planners make more informed decisions through noise modeling and lessening noise in sensitive areas, such as schools.  

In May, the Department of Municipalities and Transport launched the Abu Dhabi Dark Sky Policy to curb light pollution. Under the theme Discover the Beauty of Abu Dhabi’s Sky, an extensive awareness campaign aims to educate residents and visitors about the significance of preserving the night sky. 

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