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Dubai aims to become top gaming hub with new 2033 initiative

The emirate’s gaming sector is set to create 30,000 new jobs and add $1 billion to GDP by 2033.

Dubai aims to become top gaming hub with new 2033 initiative
[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/Fast Company Middle East]

In collaboration with the Dubai Future Foundation, the Dubai Chambers organized a workshop dedicated to the gaming industry, examining Dubai’s potential opportunities and growth prospects.

The workshop focused on strategies to meet the Dubai Program for Gaming 2033 goals. This initiative, managed by the Dubai Future Foundation, aims to position Dubai among the top 10 global hubs for the gaming sector and create up to 30,000 new gaming-related jobs.

Similarly, the initiative aims to boost the sector’s contribution to the digital economy and increase Dubai’s GDP from gaming to $1 billion by 2033. Attendees discussed proposals to drive sector growth, enhance its economic value, and strengthen Dubai’s position in the global gaming landscape.

Maha Al Gargawi, Vice President of Business Advocacy at Dubai Chambers, said,The Dubai Program for Gaming 2033 contributes to achieving a quantum leap in the sector in Dubai and developing its global competitiveness, enhancing the emirate’s leadership as an attractive destination for businesses, entrepreneurs, and experts across all disciplines within the sector.

The session also explored the role of gaming in theApp Olympicscompetition, organized by the chamber as part of the Create Apps in Dubai initiative. Additionally, representatives from the Dubai Future Foundation discussed the allocation of key resources to businesses within the gaming sector and the policies governing the industry.

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