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Dubai is the world’s ‘most forgetful’ city, finds a new survey

Passengers left behind personal belongings like clothing, phones, cameras, jewelry, and musical instruments in 2022-23

Dubai is the world’s ‘most forgetful’ city, finds a new survey
[Source photo: Anvita Gupta/Fast Company Middle East]

While trips and travels are fun, forgetting important and daily-use items is more common than we think. Only when one reaches the destination does the realization of leaving personal belongings dawn, quickly turning into panic. Documenting the things travelers left behind in their cabs, Uber released its seventh annual Lost and Found Index.

The index listed Dubai as the “most forgetful city” globally this year, with the maximum number of passengers leaving behind their belongings in Uber. The most surprising items left behind by passengers in the past year range from guitars to Cartier boxes, while clothing, phones and cameras, luggage, and purses topped the list of the most commonly forgotten items.

Maximum items were forgotten this year on February 23, followed by March 3, between 2 to 5 pm. People usually forgot stuff on Fridays and Mondays, while a few items were left behind on Wednesdays. 

This year, passengers left precious and expensive items like Nintendo Switch with a Super Mario cover, jewelry, watches, make-up, glasses, and laptops behind. 

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