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Dubai launches landmark $28 million mental health framework

The plan will focus on ten key initiatives to be executed within the next five years.

Dubai launches landmark $28 million mental health framework
[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/Fast Company Middle East]

You’re probably under pressure at work and in life. Life keeps getting faster, and work becomes more demanding. And striving to be perfect can wreak havoc on your mental health and well-being. 

To tackle the problem, Dubai has announced the launch of a $28.5 million plan, the Mental Wealth Framework. It’s a 10-part framework, which will be implemented over the next five years and is based on best-in-class practices for promoting mental well-being. It will employ innovative solutions to improve mental well-being in the local community.

The framework will cover all segments of society, prioritizing the elderly, children, people of determination, and those suffering from chronic diseases. 

As part of the project, initiatives will focus on the early detection of factors that impact someone’s mental and emotional states and provide the required care, support, and counseling services. 

Schools will also revise their emphasis on mental health to provide high-quality care, support, and counseling services necessary to enhance psychological and community stability. The framework focuses on the educational environment, empowering school staff and parents to develop students’ psychological capacities.

Awad Saghir Al Ketbi, director general of Dubai Health Authority, said, “Mental wealth is an integral part of the health and welfare of the community and one of the most important strategic objectives of major cities around the world, especially given the rapid pace of daily life. Achieving this objective requires scientific and systematic intervention to manage the demands and pressures of everyday life and their potential consequences.”

Other strategic objectives of the Mental Wealth Framework include the promotion of research and innovation. It aligns with the Dubai Social Agenda 33 objectives, a project launched this year to position the emirate as the world’s best destination for living, working, and visiting.  

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