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Rising heat threatening the lives of workers in the Arab region

An ILO report shows that workers in Africa and the Arab region are most affected by the increasing temperatures.

Rising heat threatening the lives of workers in the Arab region
[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/Fast Company Middle East]

Heat is a silent killer that threatens the health and lives of a growing number of workers around the world. A recent study stating that heat stress can lead to serious heart, lung, and kidney problems over time. 

The International Labour Organization (ILO) ‘s latest report, Heat at Work: Implications for Safety and Health, noted that more workers are being exposed to heat stress worldwide. The report outlines that workers in Africa (92.9%) and the Arab region (83.6%) are most often exposed to excessive heat. These figures go above the global average of 71%, as per the most recent figures available (2020).

Regions that have never experienced this form of extreme heat are predicted to face increased risks, while workers in regions where extreme heat is already present will experience even worse conditions. 

The ILO report estimates that 4,200 workers globally have lost their lives to heatwaves in 2020.

“As the world continues to grapple with rising temperatures, we must protect workers from heat stress year-round. Excessive heat is creating unprecedented challenges for workers worldwide year-round, and not only during periods of intense heat waves,” said ILO Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo.

The report highlights that low- and middle-income economies are the most affected, with the costs of injuries from excessive heat in the workplace reaching nearly 1.5% of national GDP.

Houngbo describes this as a human rights issue, a workers’ rights issue, and an economic issue, with middle-income economies bearing the load. “We need year-round heat action plans and legislation to protect workers and stronger global collaboration among experts to harmonize heat stress assessments and interventions at work.” 

United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, “If there is one thing that unites our divided world, it’sthat we’re all increasingly feeling the heat. Earth is becoming hotter and more dangerous for everyone, everywhere. We must rise to the challenge of rising temperatures – and step up protections for workers, grounded in human rights.”

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