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UAE establishes FADA to boost its strategic space capabilities

EDGE Group’s new space company boosts UAE’s global competitiveness and economic diversification goals

UAE establishes FADA to boost its strategic space capabilities
[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/ Fast Company Middle East ]

The UAE’s expanding space capabilities are essential to its strategy for economic diversification, technological innovation, and positioning itself as a global player in advanced industries.

Recently, EDGE Group launched its new space company, FADA, named after the Arabic term for space, to bolster the UAE’s competitiveness in the sector. FADA is focused on enhancing the UAE’s strategic interests in defense and advanced technology. Its mission is to develop sovereign space capabilities and foster homegrown innovations.

By forging local and international partnerships and facilitating the Transfer of Technology (ToT) and Transfer of Knowledge (ToK), FADA aims to create a self-reliant space sector that addresses national and commercial needs.

This approach will help ensure the UAE remains at the forefront of space technology, supporting its knowledge-based economy and broader economic diversification objectives.

Hamad Al Marar, Managing Director and CEO of EDGE Group, highlighted that the launch of FADA bolsters the group’s role in the global space industry, which aligns with the UAE’s vision to excel in space technology.

“This is a strategic leap towards technological excellence, adding next-generation solutions to our portfolio and reinforcing our ambition to be a key disruptor in this crucial field,Al Marar said.

As part of EDGE’s broader strategy, FADA will establish advanced facilities for developing, assembling, integrating, and testing satellite systems. The company will provide end-to-end solutions for local and international clients, focusing on satellite platforms, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), optical (EO) and infrared (IR) payloads, and cybersecurity for space assets.

“FADA will drive innovation in satellite systems development and establish a new benchmark for global space technology while supporting the UAE’s transition to a knowledge-based economy,said Waleid Al Mesmari, Space and Cyber Technologies President at EDGE.

This announcement follows EDGE’s selection in 2023 as the prime contractor for the UAE Space Agency’sSirbprogram. The program aims to launch a constellation of three Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites. The first satellite, Sirb-1, is set for launch in 2026, marking a significant milestone in the UAE’s space ambitions.

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