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UAE unveils plan to build 10 hospitals addressing global healthcare needs

The initiative will see an investment of $150 million over the next decade.

UAE unveils plan to build 10 hospitals addressing global healthcare needs
[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/Fast Company Middle East]

Reflecting the UAE’s ongoing commitment to global health, the Gulf state has announced a global initiative to establish 10 hospitals that will address critical healthcare needs worldwide.

This initiative is part of the Zayed Humanitarian Legacy Initiative, announced in March this year. This initiative aims to advance global development in education, health, environment, food security, and humanitarian aid for communities worldwide.

With an investment of $150 million over the next decade, each hospital will be designed to address the specific healthcare needs of communities and increase access to medical services.

The first facility, the 135-bed UAE-Indonesia Hospital for Cardiac Diseases, is being constructed in Surakarta, Central Java. Set for completion by the end of 2024, this hospital will provide essential services to many heart disease patients.

Established in January, the program is overseen by the International Humanitarian and Philanthropic Council, which aims to advance the philanthropic and development ecosystem in the UAE.

“This initiative will bring meaningful change over the next decade, embodying our commitment to assist underserved communities worldwide,said Sheikh Theyab bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, chair of the International Humanitarian and Philanthropic Council.

Sheikh Shakhboot bin Nahyan Al Nahyan, Minister of State and Chair of the International Health Advisory Committee at the International Humanitarian and Philanthropic Council, stated,These hospitals will strengthen healthcare systems and bridge critical health access gaps.

The UAE-Indonesia Hospital for Cardiac Diseases will provide specialized services and serve as a model for future projects.”

Since its founding, the UAE has demonstrated a strong commitment to global philanthropy, recording over $87 billion in foreign assistance.

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