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How to cultivate employee loyalty in an era of job-hopping

Maintaining open communication, offering flexible work conditions, and providing incentives all help boost employee retention.

[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/Fast Company Middle East]

As job-hopping becomes a widespread trend among younger generations, employees constantly seek better opportunities for career advancement, salary increases, and flexible working conditions.

With loyalty to organizations becoming increasingly rare, leaders must now provide benefits and foster a company culture that encourages employees to stay, thereby reducing turnover rates and improving employee retention.

According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report, only 30% of managers and 23% of employees worldwide are engaged. In the Middle East, 48% of employees indicated plans to leave their current jobs, compared to 52% globally. Additionally, the region has the highest employee stress levels at 52% and ranks second for employee anger at 32%.


Executive and Leadership Coach Harsh Johari emphasizes that leaders must effectively communicate with their employees to foster a sense of trust and transparency.

“Actively listening to employees, addressing concerns openly, and being open about their decisions can help leaders foster trust and engagement.”

Authentic and genuine leaders who back up their words with actions demonstrate their commitment to their employees.

“Leaders should also embrace vulnerability to build trust. Regular check-ins, personalized conversations, and empowering employees to contribute their ideas establish a sense of belonging, as employees feel heard, valued, and part of a shared vision,” Johari adds.


The 2023 Bayt.com survey on Modern Job Search Strategies in the MENA revealed that 85% of respondents prefer companies offering full or partial remote work options, while 91% are considering changing jobs this year. Additionally, 85% of professionals anticipate an increase in remote hiring in the coming months, reflecting a job market increasingly influenced by digital transformation and evolving work policies.

LinkedIn has found that 70% of Middle Eastern workers are willing to resign if their jobs lack flexibility.

According to Johari, work-life balance is key to long-term employee retention. “It prevents burnout and boosts productivity. Leaders can promote this by setting clear boundaries, respecting personal time, and modeling balanced behavior.”

He notes that offering flexible work options and wellness programs allows employees to balance their responsibilities more effectively. Leaders can create a supportive environment that nurtures engagement and loyalty by cultivating a results-driven culture instead of emphasizing hours worked.


The recent trend of employees consistently seeking better opportunities, such as raises or promotions, emphasizes the importance of incentivizing staff and investing in their skill development to enhance job satisfaction and employee loyalty.

Johari notes that personalized recognition goes beyond financial rewards. “Leaders should tailor appreciation to individual motivators, whether public praise, new responsibilities, or development opportunities. “You need to know your teams well enough and know what motivates each individual.”

Moreover, timely recognition tied to specific actions helps employees understand the impact of their contributions. Implementing peer recognition programs further fosters a culture of appreciation at all organizational levels.

“I would also recommend not focusing only on success but recognizing progress. Sometimes, we tie success to a specific end goal but forget to celebrate small wins and progress made daily,” he adds.

Leaders should also focus on developing their employees’ skills by creating personalized development plans that align individual aspirations with organizational goals. This approach can include mentorship programs, cross-functional projects, and leadership roles in smaller initiatives.

“Encouraging continuous learning through training and access to resources, coupled with regular feedback, helps employees evolve and feel valued. Leaders can further drive motivation by enabling employees to own their career growth, fostering a culture of innovation and autonomy.”

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