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Can tech efficiently manage health? Most people think so

A new survey finds people in the UAE are more in control of their health because of technology.

Can tech efficiently manage health? Most people think so
[Source photo: Anvita Gupta/Fast Company Middle East]

People are now more aware of their health due to the pandemic, and digital health technologies are gaining overwhelmingly widespread acceptance among residents of the UAE.

According to Royal Philips research, 95% of respondents believe that technology can play a significant role in managing their health more effectively, and 72% of consumers think online consultations with their doctors are just as beneficial as in-person visits. 

They believe technology gives them faster access to specialists, makes it easier to access results, and lets them store all their medical information in one location.

The survey also revealed that 82% of UAE citizens agree that the healthcare sector should prioritize sustainable methods.

The study aims to give healthcare providers insights into current health trends and public perceptions of healthcare in the UAE.

“At Philips, we believe that the study validates that the UAE is well-positioned to transition its healthcare approach from sick care, which has historically been the norm, to value-based healthcare. This transformation begins with a greater emphasis on proactive preventive measures, supported by advanced technology that enables improved health outcomes at every stage of care, including diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care,” said Marc Antoine Zora, general manager and district leader of Gulf & Levant at Philips Middle East.

The report noted that future generations are likely to think about and interact with healthcare differently as a result of the changes in consumer views and behavior toward technology and well-being.

The study also found that 70% of respondents feel more in control of their health now than before it started, and 95% are proactive in protecting their health.

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