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Dubai unveils new quality of life strategy, prioritizes resident wellbeing and happiness

This multi-phased plan will run from 2024 to 2033, featuring over 200 projects and initiatives.

Dubai unveils new quality of life strategy, prioritizes resident wellbeing and happiness
[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/Fast Company Middle East]

Most think we should care as much about our health and well-being as we do about economic growth. Countries’ main focus on GDP means economic growth can occur at the expense of the environment and people’s quality of life without any resulting damages ever being considered. 

Leading economists have called for governments to look beyond GDP, and some countries have begun to publish a broader suite of well-being indicators.

Now, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed, Crown Prince of Dubai, has announced the Dubai Quality of Life Strategy 2033. 

This multi-phased plan, running from 2024 to 2033, prioritizes resident well-being in all aspects of life and features more than 200 projects and initiatives.

The strategy outlines a significant expansion of recreational opportunities. This includes a 300% increase in beach cycling tracks, a 60% extension of night swimming beaches, and the creation of dedicated women’s beaches. Over 30 new parks with innovative designs are also planned within the next three years.

Entertainment options will also see a major boost, with a 134% increase in annual sporting, cultural, and artistic events. Dedicated areas for entertainment, tourism, and hotels will also be expanded.

“The well-being of individuals is the ultimate objective of our development plans,” stated Sheikh Hamdan. “Our objective is to establish Dubai as one of the world’s best cities in terms of well-being and offer every resident a healthy, active, and enjoyable lifestyle.”

The strategy also emphasizes cultural preservation and inclusivity. It aligns with the Dubai 2040 Urban Plan and complements the recently announced initiative to maintain the emirate’s heritage sites.

The plan goes beyond beautification. Over 115 kilometers of new pedestrian and cycling paths will be built, and more than 3,000 trees and plants will be planted.

A dedicated office will oversee the implementation of this strategy, ensuring its alignment with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid’s vision for Dubai’s future.

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