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New initiatives launched to bridge digital divide, promote sustainable growth

DCO unveils three multilateral initiatives to harness the power of technology for good.

New initiatives launched to bridge digital divide, promote sustainable growth
[Source photo: Digital Cooperation Organization]

In an increasingly interconnected world, the digital divide is a stark reminder of the disparities in accessing technology and its transformative potential.

To bridge the digital divide and harness the power of technology for good, the Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO), which wrapped up its third General Assembly in Bahrain on January 31, unveiled a series of new initiatives.

One such initiative is the DCO GenAI Center of Excellence, a network of state-of-the-art facilities equipped with advanced systems to foster responsible development and implementation of artificial intelligence.

Another noteworthy initiative is the Data Embassy Initiative. This program aims to establish a network of secure data storage facilities beyond national borders, ensuring the safety and sovereignty of member states’ data while promoting a unified digital environment. 

Additionally, the Online Content Integrity Initiative tackles the growing challenge of misinformation on social media and streaming platforms, acknowledging the importance of respecting diverse cultural values.

Deemah AlYahya, the DCO Secretary-General, emphasized the urgent need for collaboration. “Today, more than ever, we need cooperation among all stakeholders as the world faces digital inequalities compounded by rapidly advancing technologies such as AI. By working together, we can ensure that progress is inclusive and sustainable by choice, not chance.”

The General Assembly brought together ministerial representatives and heads of delegations from 16 DCO member states that collectively represent approximately 800 million people and a GDP totaling $3.5 trillion.

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