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Qatar leads GCC in global energy transformation, says report

Qatar ranked 50th globally with an ETI score of 57.3, while UAE and Saudi Arabia followed in second and third place.

Qatar leads GCC in global energy transformation, says report
[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/Fast Company Middle East]

Qatar has positioned itself as a leader among the GCC states in a global Energy Transition Index. The UAE secured the second position, while Saudi Arabia came third within the region.

According to the World Economic Forum’s report titled “Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2024,” which evaluated 120 countries based on the performance of their energy systems, key criteria included equity, environmental sustainability, energy security, and transition readiness.

Qatar ranked 50th with a score of 57.3 on the Energy Transition Index (ETI), while the UAE followed closely with a ranking of 52 and an ETI score of 57. Saudi Arabia secured the 58th position with an ETI score of 55.9. Meanwhile, Oman was placed 62nd, while Bahrain and Kuwait occupied the 103rd and 104th positions, respectively.

The report emphasized the urgent need for nations to reform their energy systems, scale up clean energy solutions, and enhance efficiency. These efforts are crucial for achieving sustainable global transitions and meeting the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement.

However, despite such progress, there remain challenges. “The global landscape is marked by economic volatility, heightened geopolitical tensions, and technological shifts. This uncertainty is reflected in the ETI, where the rate of improvement over the past three years has decreased,” the report noted.

“The message from this year’s ETI is clear: there is no time to waste. Decision-makers across the globe must act decisively and collaboratively to accelerate the transition towards an equitable, secure, and sustainable energy future,” it added.

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