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These are the fastest growing jobs in UAE and Saudi Arabia

LinkedIn data reveals AI and green jobs are steering the future of work

These are the fastest growing jobs in UAE and Saudi Arabia
[Source photo: Anvita Gupta/Fast Company Middle East]

The job market is undergoing significant transformations due to changing trends driven by technological advancements, societal shifts, and global economic changes. As per LinkedIn data, job skill sets have changed 24% since 2015 and are projected to shift by 65% globally by 2030.

The increasing integration of AI technologies is automating routine tasks and reshaping job requirements. According to LinkedIn’s Jobs on the Rise list, the fastest-growing jobs in the UAE are real estate consultant, partnerships specialist, mortgage advisor, growth manager, BIM Architect, 3D artist, tax associate, financial auditor, and product designer. 

In neighboring Saudi Arabia, jobs are in demand for patient care technicians, information system analysts, health and safety managers, environmental specialists, content creators, compliance specialists, and talent acquisition specialists.

Several trends, mostly due to the increasing deployment of AI and other smart technologies, underlie the fastest-growing jobs, leading some jobs to soar in demand over the next five years and putting others at risk of becoming obsolete.

“We see that AI is ushering in a new era of work that will impact jobs, careers, and industries through broader AI integration in 2024. AI technologies will also give us more time to focus on the most human part of our jobs. Executives in key markets predict that human skills, such as problem-solving, strategic thinking, and leadership, will soar in demand,” said Ali Matar, EMEA Growth Markets Leader and Head of LinkedIn MENA.

The survey found that in UAE and KSA, professionals are strategically redefining their career advancement approaches. The predominant shift is towards emphasizing skills over traditional degrees, with 83% and 77% of professionals in the UAE and KSA recognizing the importance of showcasing practical competencies in the evolving job market, coupled with a proactive stance in skill development, with a majority opting for involvement in stretch projects, online courses, and personal projects to diversify their skill sets. 

“Skills continue to be the currency of the job market, and professionals understand this,” Matar added.

He said that adopting a skills-first approach is the best way for hiring managers to expand talent pools, upskill and engage current employees, and build an agile workforce.

Amid uncertainties in the workplace, the workers exhibit a keen interest in skill diversification, underlining the awareness of the need for continuous learning and adaptability. 

Another key trend in the demand for jobs is the green transition, which will significantly shape the future of work in the region and the world. “We see hiring for green jobs continues to surge, but companies are challenged by a lack of skilled talent, as there simply aren’t enough people with the skills needed to meet our green transition goals,” Mattar says.

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