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UAE to use machine learning for advanced cloud seeding initiative

The project builds upon previous UAEREP research and is expected to be highly complementary to existing initiatives.

UAE to use machine learning for advanced cloud seeding initiative
[Source photo: Krishna Prasad/Fast Company Middle East]

Water scarcity remains a pressing concern in the UAE, driven by rapid urbanization, population growth, and limited freshwater resources. With most water resources already allocated for agricultural and industrial use, the water demand continues to outstrip supply, posing challenges to sustainable development.

The UAE is taking a revolutionary step in its fight against water scarcity. 

Harnessing real-time cloud analysis, the country hopes to unlock new possibilities for boosting rainfall and securing water resources.

The UAE Research Programme for Rain Enhancement Science (UAEREP) has partnered with Professor Daniel Rosenfeld of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a team of international researchers to develop a real-time cloud seeding analysis system.

This project, titled Identification of Clouds’ Microphysical Seedability in an Actionable Manner, aims to revolutionize how cloud seeding is conducted and evaluated.

Cloud seeding involves introducing materials like salt flares into clouds to encourage rain formation. However, the effectiveness of this technique depends on various factors within the cloud itself, which can be difficult to assess in real time.

The project kickoff meeting in Abu Dhabi brought together Professor Rosenfeld’s team with researchers from the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) and the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM).

Professor Rosenfeld’s team, led by MBZUAI’s Dr. Salman Khan, will leverage machine learning to analyze satellite data and weather monitoring systems. This will allow for an on-the-fly assessment of a cloud’s “credibility” during cloud seeding flights, maximizing the 

effectiveness of the rain enhancement technique.

“With the goal of unity in science, this initiative underscores UAEREP’s commitment to advancing cutting-edge research in rain enhancement science, furthering our mission to address global water security challenges,” said Alya Al Mazroui, director of UAEREP.

The project builds upon previous UAEREP research and is expected to be highly complementary to existing initiatives. This collaboration brings together expertise from MBZUAI, Wuhan University, the University of California San Diego, and WeatherItIs, demonstrating a global effort towards tackling water scarcity through innovative technology.

This real-time cloud seeding analysis system has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of rain enhancement efforts in the UAE and potentially across the globe.

The Innovation By Design Summit is in Doha on April 24. Attendance at the summit is by invitation only. Delegates can register here to receive their exclusive invite.

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