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Will a three-day weekend become a reality in Oman?

The Ministry of Labour will examine the advantages of the change in workweek

Will a three-day weekend become a reality in Oman?
[Source photo: Anvita Gupta/Fast Company Middle East]

After Belgium, Iceland, and the UAE, a four-day workweek could become a new reality in Oman, giving the nation a three-day weekend.

As reported in the media, Salem Al Busaidi, undersecretary at the Ministry of Labour, said the ministry might examine the advantages of the change. The State Consultative Council and Shura would both need to endorse any changes.

If the proposal is accepted as new legislation, Oman will join many nations that have either adopted a four-working-day schedule or are considering doing so, according to the state-run Oman Television.

Last year, the UAE became the first nation to introduce a 4.5-day working week for those employed in the public sector. The reduced workweek is now the norm in many schools, commercial businesses, and banks in the UAE.

Meanwhile, the government of Sharjah also adopted a four-day workweek.

The movement to impose a four-day workweek has already gained momentum globally. A four-day work week, according to studies, won’t have a detrimental effect on output. One of the most surprising findings of the first extensive study of a four-day workweek is that none of the 33 participating organizations are switching to a regular five-day schedule.

Data made public last month reveals that the organizations in question experienced increased revenue and worker productivity as well as decreased absenteeism and attrition. The likelihood of working from the office as opposed to from home was similarly higher for employees on a four-day schedule.

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